Studio Covid safe practice guidelines
Please do:
1. Maintain 1.5 metre physical distancing at all times (including when entering the studio and in the foyer area)
2. Bring one bag only and ensure all items are securely placed inside the bag
3. Sign the contact register before each practice .
4. Hand sanitise before entering the practice room (and each time you re-enter)
5. Please bring a clean hand towel for every class
6. Bring into the practice room only what you need for class and keep on your mat
7. After entering the practice room wait to be shown which spot to take
8. If you need to cough or sneeze please leave the practice room and wash your hands and use hand sanitiser before re-entering the practice room
9. Leave the bathroom CLEAN and DRY after use
10. Bring something warm to cover yourself for rest at the end of practice
11. All items for practice are to be brought with you, and leave with you
12. Contact the studio if you are unable to keep your booking
Please don't:
1. Change your spot in the room unless directed by whoever is teaching
2. Bring tissues into the practice room
3. Use studio blankets (unless with prior arrangement, for specific needs)
4. Use the studio shower facilities
5. Leave mats at the studio at this stage (unless by prior arrangement)
6. Come to class if you have any symptoms (however mild) consistent with COVID -19
These guidelines are based on the NSW COVID related Public Health Orders 2020 (NSW Public Health Act 2010) and the NSW Health COVID Safe requirements for Indoor recreation facilities (
Thanks so much for your cooperation ❤️